Friday, June 26, 2009

A Walk to Remember

There is nothing better than an evening spent with friends. You know how there are a few days that you’ll never forget. Well, today was one such day.

I woke up to a gloomy morning. It was raining, and the morning felt dull & lifeless! I had a hectic day ahead though, so I couldn’t afford be a skiver. I went to the living room and received a bolt from the blue; “Michael Jackson dead at 50”. I mean who’d expect that to happen! Then, the rest of the day was spent filling my sister’s online admission form. Online huh! Sounds simple, but believe me the entire process is just horrible and one big fuss! Jaded, I decided to go out for a walk with friends. I called Siraj and Jui, and we decide to meet up at Shivaji Park. Jui said that she had a class to attend, and would meet us a bit late. So Siraj and I met up first.

We had just completed a few rounds, when it started pouring. There was a shade constructed just opposite the “Mina Tai Statue”, so we took cover there. After a few minutes Jui showed up, and we began walking in the rain. We learned that Jui, was actually taking a class, and not attending one. She was teaching Algebra to 9th grade kids. Now you see, Jui is this tiny little girl and not at all a teacher or a professor types. The very thought of her teaching, rather yelling at kids, makes me burst out laughing! Although she claims, “When it comes to studies, I’m very strict!” Oooooh! (Ya right Jui! … Haha … I’m still laughing). So, moving on … (Haha …)

When the three of us were chatting, there was this dog which started following us. We almost completed like half a round, and this dog was still stringing along with us. Jui, being this complete animal lover, began to act all playful with this dog. Siraj joined in too. I, the guy who is afraid of anything with more than two legs, was petrified. I was all like “Guys, don’t!” “Let the damn dog be!” “Please! I’m scared out here!” and these guys would just burst out laughing! The funny part is that when we moved, the dog moved with us. When we stopped, the damn dog stopped too! Now, I began to walk affront. It was only then, that we realized that this damn dog was following me. When I walked, it walked. I stopped, it stopped! I was shit scared, and these guys couldn’t stop laughing.

The limit was that, I got off the side walk and this stupid dog trailed along. I got back on the side walk and it did the exact same thing. Completely freaked, I crossed the road … and guess what! The dog too, crossed the freaking road! I froze then and there! A few seconds later Jui and Siraj came to my side of the road. Now, it was not a huge dog and we guessed that it must have been scared or hungry. Jui suggested that maybe we should give it something to eat and then it would stop coming after us. Siraj and I were like “Ya right! So that it keeps coming after us!”, and we began walking, like a scalded cat, in the opposite direction. At least I didn’t bother looking back! Later Jui said that the dog lost its bearings and went back. Aah! What a relief! Damn! Siraj said that he had the “Karz Theme” playing in his head the entire time. Jui added that, that dog must have been my wife in my previous life. Ya! Haha … very funny!

We were a little wet, because of the rains, and wanted to have a warm cup of coffee. So we were walking towards the Cadel Road CCD, laughing over the dog incident. When Jui says, “Kuch bhi bolo, par yeh, hum teeno ko hamesha yaad rahega!”, and I realized that sach much yeh shyam mujhe hamesha yaad rahega. This is one evening, I will never forget! Maybe because of the walk in the rain, the laughing out loud, pulling each other’s leg, the warm cup of coffee or mainly that stupid dog! I just don’t know!

I’m sure that the three of us will burst out laughing every time we think of this evening. Truly, this will forever be an evening to remember or more importantly, just …. A walk to remember!


  1. aye what tiny be!! i can be damn strict anyways karan you should get rid of your dog phobia khehe dogs really are fond of you :P heheh had a great time cheers to our friendship :)

  2. Wow Karan! You write really well!! And you always praise my posts! Comeon! u r wayyyyyy better than me! Enjoyed this! Keep Writing Karan. I would love to read them! :)
